above original photograph by me, - "eastcoast anancy" & banana tarte, others
so beautiful ! seydou keita http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/22/arts/design/22rips.html?pagewanted=2&ei=5088&en=49a68e760090be6c&ex=1295586000&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
naturally you ! http://www.naturallyyoumagazine.com/ & http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=58702245
It's a Blessed Morning.
Cold, Crisp and full of Potential.
I have the house to myself, this AM and a hot cup of chai.
Everyone is asleep & I'm messing on this thing [the net]
I wanted to update for Black History Month - because i really think it's important
I have one child, but by 12:30, I will have 24 little busy hands.
We're making masks today! i better get cracking,in the kitchen
I have to make around 20 eggrolls this morning for the game tomorrow night, and somehow
...Keep my Husband away from them, while i'm at the center working
with my little Picassos'. That's going to be alot of wild & fun!
I took a break from the center right before I had my son, but now?
It's a good time to go back [to volunteering] & give back.
Life has truly given a lot to me, We have to keep the creative vibe going with our reaching out to the youth
in the community.
Cold, Crisp and full of Potential.
I have the house to myself, this AM and a hot cup of chai.
Everyone is asleep & I'm messing on this thing [the net]
I wanted to update for Black History Month - because i really think it's important
I have one child, but by 12:30, I will have 24 little busy hands.
We're making masks today! i better get cracking,in the kitchen
I have to make around 20 eggrolls this morning for the game tomorrow night, and somehow
...Keep my Husband away from them, while i'm at the center working
with my little Picassos'. That's going to be alot of wild & fun!
I took a break from the center right before I had my son, but now?
It's a good time to go back [to volunteering] & give back.
Life has truly given a lot to me, We have to keep the creative vibe going with our reaching out to the youth
in the community.
so? Let the Day Begin, ! ~peace nadine.
a good poem
by the great poet Jayne Cortez
There It Is her web page is here http://www.jaynecortez.com/
jamaica cycling federation - http://www.jamaicacycling.com/
unemployment is now
down under 8%- Barbados, congratulations! http://www.cbc.bb/content/view/9601/10/
RIP Lilly Rodriguez - Pioneering female kickboxer, peace maker
between gangs - Lilly Rodriguez dead at 59.
articles /news
Akan (W. African) Ancestral Event (NY) – Sun Feb 11 [free] - Honoring Nana Yao OpareDinizulu I -http://www.onipaabusia.org/ [NY & DC Akan events] [no pork or cola products into the building, wear white]
BLACK WOMAN & CHILD MAGAZINE - http://nubeing.com/bwac/
Bob Marley's Lyrics' Fun Quiz - http://www.funtrivia.com/quizzes/music/music_l-p/bob_marley.html
Foie gras is a disease, not a delicacy. - [onforce feeding ducks,with tubes until their stomach burst,
tomake fattty duck liver for human gourmet consumption] http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_1727.shtml
a good article on the jamaican maroons with photos - http://www.hamiltonspectator.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=hamilton/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1170888612366&call_pageid=1020420665036&col=1112101662670
for Valentine's Day - aphrodisiac foods - http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/aphrodis_foods.htm
a cute story w/ a vegan mac & cheese recipe - http://www.urbanitebaltimore.com/sub.cfm?sectionID=4&articleID=580&IssueID=44
if Your Man is a seafood lover like he's kith & kin to Poseidon, here's 3 cool scallop recipes from the Daily News. - http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/entertainment/special_packages/dnfood/16649593.htm
have fun with it, sing this while preparing the above recipes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5TXddX3jHs
on Dr. Albert Best - chameleon kombat karate - http://www.nationnews.com/story/291146529067471.php
the DOGON of Mali http://www.unmuseum.org/siriusb.htm
a good article on BLACK HISTORY http://dnj.midsouthnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070201/OPINION01/702010327/1014
the finest - http://www.hasselblad.com/
another good one - http://www.leica-camera.us/photography/m_system/m8/
corel painter - http://apps.corel.com/painterix/product/new_features_ix5.html
on yoruba orishas in music http://members.aol.com/ilebaba/adeleke/music.html
love eternal across time, by o.j.harp III http://ojharp.com/
orishas in art http://www.yasminhernandez.com/obatala.html
aleatha brown
if you are the BOMB & top rankin ? -here's the assorted reggae & ska quizzes- dating back to the 60s - http://www.funtrivia.com/quizzes/music/music_mixture/reggae_mixture.html
don't get mad get even! " just "Jack him up!" to choose your method "jacking"- press armes, to revert to firt screen press soigner have fun! http://www.abunawaf.com/mix/store2/mulakama.swf
Thich Nhat Hanh Retreat for People of Color, [Sept. 2007] -http://www.deerparkmonastery.org/
women who know things - http://www.jpanafrican.com/docs/vol1no7/WomenWhoKnowThings_JPASvol1no7.pdf
images of women in ifa - http://www.annalsnyas.org/cgi/content/abstract/810/1/401
khamit kinks [ hair] - http://www.khamitkinks.com/Locs.html
eyejammin fine arts - http://www.eyejammie.com/
black history month focus slavery in barbados
female slaves in barbados - http://www.umich.edu/~ece/student_projects/slavery2/barbados.html
barbados genealogy articles - http://www.antislavery.org/breakingthesilence/slave_routes/slave_routes_barbados.shtml
barbados genealogy sites - http://www.candoo.com/genresources/#BARBADOS
barbados genforum - http://genforum.genealogy.com/barbados/
hinson's barbados guide - http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/DLHinson/Barbados.htm
barbados / madagascar connection - http://san.beck.org/1-13-Africa1500-1800.html
on other indian ocean slave trade - http://lrrc3.sas.upenn.edu/indianocean/group1/ioslv4.html
early slavery @ Africa's Cape / barbados -http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/1266/genetic.htm
slave routes - http://www.antislavery.org/breakingthesilence/slave_routes/slave_routes_netherlands.shtml
barbados culture - http://www.casuarina.com/island/history_lecture08.html
fun barbados- http://www.funbarbados.com/ourisland/
an excellent station online & off - wpfw dc http://www.wpfw.org/
music from [senegambia]
great clips, even toure kounda's e'mma http://www.dgambia.com/music.html
the fun, YONDO sister , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK11y8ctsPQ
a classic - puerto rico [eddie palmieri , charli palmieri?] great horns - we saw eddie plmieri in concert ! -"isla linda y preciosa, fabulosa, maravillosa!"
king of the white cloth - dave valentin [yoruba song for obatala] milton cardona on the chant
the great milton cardona http://www.americanclave.com/3-the-players-pages/08-Milton.html
art blakey - ala mode - http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/product.aspx?ob=e&src=lb&pid=9509
nusrat fateh ali khan [ Sanson Ki Mala, qawwali muzik) ] - http://www.audiorec.co.uk/prdtls.asp?id=1658&curr=0
i will finish this later - until next entry, walk good !