( august pics above - coconut rum sugarcake, til gajak, tomato rice, cantaloupe salsa, masala kidney beans )
update after page crash 08.21.07 P.M.
RIP Jazz music's Max Roach , E.Blakey, J. Lucien & RIP philly muralist Ras Malik - http://www.philly.com/dailynews/obituaries/20070803_Ras_Malik__renowned_city_muralist.html
events for HON. MARCUS GARVEY'S BIRTHDAY - http://www.unia-acl.org/info/events.htm & http://www.citypaper.com/calendar/event.asp?whatID=94597 {philly's parade was held sunday, the 12th}
about the belvedere [photo above]
"sweet things", candy recipes - http://www.golocaljamaica.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1172177527
sample raul's music - [ his "cerca di me" with kenny dope, takes me away, but thisis very nice too!
http://www.giantstep.net/jukebox/play/1517_10576/ & http://www.raulmidon.com/index2.php
nyvette's - delicious filled yuca balls , click photo to enlarge!
Africa must unite to fight pseudo-revolutionaries - http://www.bdafrica.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2324&Itemid=5821
Barbados launches CNCD Registry [ Chronic Non Communicable Diseases ] -http://www.caribbeanpressreleases.com/articles/2159/1/Barbados-Ministry-of-Health--University-of-the-West-Indies-Launch-CNCD-Registry/First-in-Eastern-Caribbean.html
Forensic Science Portals of the Caribbean & South America - http://www.forensics.ca/lb_list.php?area=South
a new cooking show, this summer in J.A. fea. the wonderful skills of Aris La Tham
economic freedom index 2007 - http://www.petroleumworld.com/Ed07080601.htm
"Lead Poison Me, Elmos" It's getting ridiculous this is the 2nd or 3rd Toy recall this year.
assorted toy lists here - http://www.golocaljamaica.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1186055158
[ What's Happening in Bim? We'll be there soon, enough ! ] but it's cropover time in Barbados ( end of first week} !
trinidad weekend in baltimore - [soccer & music festival]- http://www.ttab.net/festival/index.htm
upcoming! -
Reggae Jam @ lake Clifton on the 25th - http://www.dccaribbeanconnection.com/Caribbean/Events.htm sponsored by the Jamaican Association of Maryland -http://www.jamonline.org/
Carlton-Carew EP Foundation Seminar - focus on Krio, Garifuna, Maroons, Black Seminoles, Gullahs, Nova Scotia & More * http://www.blacknews.com/pr/commemoration101.html & http://www.cc-epfoundation.org/
Happily Natural Day in Virginia on 25th [celebrate natural hair!] :) - http://www.happilynaturalday.com/ & http://www.golocaljamaica.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1178627974/15#15
from e-mail [ Living:Hue-niversal Magazine ]- A conscious tea part Georgia! Aug 25th ,6: pm. [tickets]
"Bliss Room Spa" at NAIO fea. performace by reggae queens idivine - http://www.consciouszone.com/ & http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=35253571 & http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=137803913
fashion, home & eclecticgear
( never let a mudfish's tail touch water )
allthings rasta [luv their t-shirts & skirts, books & videos] http://rastaheadwraps.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=16&zenid=f36ba3c6b49ad0920f53f2c91e96dd8d
(i totally luv the pretty "blessed love, tee" t-shirts, @ all things rasta.. I have alot of khamsa / hamsa jewelry, collected, brought back from my Dad's many trips to Africa & Morocco over the years.) http://rastaheadwraps.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_17&products_id=370&zenid=228b7f1130de804484597fdee5443044
cool unique stuff -anthropologie- http://www.anthropologie.com
tee-shirts, garvey, malcolm x, angela d., tosh & more http://www.artistictee.com/home_
cute tee -shirts - http://www.cafepress.com/esangha/535987
gureje boutique - http://www.gureje.com/blouse_main.html
annaansi clothing - http://www.annansiclothing.com/2007/
yoruba woman - http://www.yorubawoman.com
i've just picked up another nice one ! - sewra waistbeads - http://www.waistbeads.com/
unique t-shirts - http://www.martidesignstudios.com/Graffititshirts.html
styleaholic's blog - http://www.styleaholics.com/blog/
the shoe blog ! http://shoeblogs.com/wordpress/shoe-freak
for hair matters [ kinky!] - http://www.nappturality.com/ & http://www.naturalhairvillage.com/
treasured locs - http://www.treasuredlocks.com/
other hair ornaments *** hairsticks, i pull my hair in a bun often [ it's neat, cool & out of the way!] i keep a collection of hairsticks in styles from casual to dressy other cool hair ornament & [dreds] loc jewelry sites are listed on the left margin ofthis blog . - http://www.argusdesigns.com/products/stick/hs_fancy.html http://www.longlocks.com/fantasystix.htm http://www.tribaljewelry.com/page1.html
http://www.michellesvintagejewelry.com/products/accessories5.html http://caribbeanglo.com/otherunique.html
http://www.argusdesigns.com/products/stick/hs_wood.html http://www.dressytresses.com/store/hsshort.asp
THE COLOR LINE http://www.jackshainman.com/dynamic/gallery1_exhibit.asp
the collage work of theodore harris - http://www.golocaljamaica.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1169842986
ziya neema - http://www.ziyaneema.com/ & http://www.getunderground.com/underground/galleries/gallery.cfm?Album_ID=49
Ziya's work , will be on exhibit in St. Thomas - http://www.onepaper.com/stthomasvi/?v=d&i=&s=Arts%2FEntertainment:Things+to+do&p=1176613886
nasio fontaine - http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=66367002
machel montano, jumbie -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om5Hi6GAL9Y
until next time, walk good! ~peace rum coconut sugar cake.