a delicious plain biryani - use real lemons! for recipes
a glorious/take no prisoners veggie version here (archives) http://pictures.aol.com/ap/singleImage.do?pid=b530e9m6R*uk5UkSHNtczxvRt8IdZRHRTpDQv4xQp5Fd3Ig=
I'm running late, I know ! recipes above
So Much to do this month! ~ Everythings Fine & Thanks Veggie Krew
for the e-mails!
(click to enlarge) potato wedges
articles & events
fried bananas & homemade dulce de leche (click image to enlarge) a similar recipe here - http://journals.aol.com/ooonadine/ooonadinesnyvettepeacefulblog/entries/2007/10/25/oct.-5th-re--edit/1642
african vibes magazine - http://www.africanvibes.com/
becoming a woman in ndebele culture -http://www.odemagazine.com/blogs/readers_blog/1524/becoming_a_woman
an interesting article on the legacy of Seringne Saliou Mbacke -http://www.africanmag.com/viewer/magazines/article.asd/id/643/vts/design001 , in - Black Renaissance Noire, in Vol.1 #2 1997, covers an excellent article by sylviane diofu-kamara on the senegalese in N.Y. & another related article on the Mourides http://journals.aol.com/ooonadine/ooonadinesnyvettepeacefulblog/entries/2007/04/30/mays-beautiful-......./1223
a nice site -AFRICAN LOFT -http://www.africanloft.com/
on ghana's stranded tourist & $20 million for fighter jets - http://barbadostravel.squarespace.com/journal/2008/3/3/ghana-and-nigerians-stranded-in-barbad & http://bajanfreepress.wordpress.com/2008/03/07/while-ghanaians-remain-stranded-in-barbados-ghana-buys-20-million-chinese-fighter-jets/ ghana on liberian refugee rights - http://allafrica.com/stories/200804141627.html
barbados 13 yr old chess champion! - http://www.nationnews.com/story/341239921328548.php
drum beats for amistad in barbados! - http://www.nationnews.com/story/315803639469703.php
luvin' oyin's hair products after a toolong winter - http://oyinhandmade.com/oyin/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=28
art & literary tea time ( click to enlarge) banana bread
RIP Aimé Césaire -
a great audio on ms. zora neal hurston's work , from literate nubian's site - http://www.literatenubian.org/
beach cool rubber radio - http://www.greenergrassdesign.com/tykhoamfmradiobymarcberthier.html
photographs the afro cuban spirit world- http://crossingthewater.com/intro1.htm - the ABANG DANCE -http://www.africaresource.com/ijele/vol1.1/onyile.html other related - http://www.golocaljamaica.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1159210508/45#45
kongo cosmograms -http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/vodou/roots5.html
on african writing systems - http://www.golocaljamaica.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1180446016
the art of congo's cherie samba - http://davidbyrne.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/05/27/2007_05_20_b_kinshasa.jpg
the ilfochrome art of loretta lux - http://www.lorettalux.de/
the art of dhruvi acharya - http://masalachaionline.blogspot.com/2007/12/from-her-website-dhruvi-acharya-s-work.html
cool gadgets from gadgeteer - http://the-gadgeteer.com/
cinema/ theater (click to enlarge) --curry baby!
coming soon to the east coast, oliver samuel's River Bottom!
details here http://www.everybodysmag.com/
A WINTER'S TALE - http://awintertale.ca/web/
music grilling or ambrosia for dessert soon! :)
"expand your mind don't let it whither & die...."
a classic by jazz great - mr.gary bartz & the master vocalist mr. bey, that my Dad used to play to death, when we were kids!
salif keita - madan - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vmLW8Tqg14&feature=related
the music of Tété - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkoJrvXUZq0&feature=related
flora purim kicking it, with jazz - "hey Nana!" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iN0WoIM8CQ
the great voice of music's Mr. Dwight Trible (jazz) - http://www.myspace.com/dwighttrible & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6JfOReX1n0
(click to enlarge ) salif's zik - really floats my boat!
great jazz here - http://www.leroydowns.com/about.html & videos here http://www.leroydowns.com/Download.html
a Good one by La league (cote ivoire) donne moi ton numero -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIx51wxHjnU&feature=related - +
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