South African Chill - little Boy, latest scan.
[title] painting 18 x 24 canvas - 05/26/06
african proverb
or as nigerian afrobeat artist Tony Allen, musically puts it -
"when one road close another goes open"
Medically, I have to leave the toxic darkroom chemicals alone
for a little while so? I'm focusing my energy on painting & drawing for a few months.
God is so Good! ......When one door closes, the Creator opens a new window for you! [it's True!] If only to focus on other skills, and talents, it's up to You, to make the best of a situation --- I saw this photo & was immediately intrigued. It's not exactly like the rueters photo- but it's my interpretation of the somber mood. I experimented with iridescent copper
pigment & will try to work on the little girl's portrait from the same photo next. Art really is like riding a bike, It comes back to you, slowly but surely. Just be patient. It's not perfect, the fast drying acrylics takes a bit of getting used to after working so much in oils, but with time, I hope to get much better at it.
Art in Black & White, Truly -Two Different Worlds.
Its my dream to one day open my own little art gallery, where many
artist of color will have a venue to present new works [mixed with a little
poetry & spoken work] A few summer past, I've held mini workshops for children
interested in art. [we have to cultivate among our own]
One day, I will have the gallery.I am working hard every day, saving, looking at properties & getting closer to this achieving this goal.
Unfortunately, I've found that Art, deep down art is till a very racist, elitist field. Long ago, it what's drove fine, artists, like Henry O' Tanner to leave the USA for France, William H. Johnson also. -
Being real, Art for centuries has been a tool of the whatever current media propaganda
wished to portray -- to demonize a culture or race, from the days of slavery, with
the portrayal if blacks as inferior with the mammy, minstrels , sambo & coons images, the idealic shiftless- lazy childlike slave paintings ... even the portayal of Japanese, during ww 2, in Europe during the pre holocaust days, they used art fuel the divide- between germans & jews. That's the negative history of art. To ignore or twist history & facts, is to ignore a long crucial part of art's history when used as negative means of racial stereotyping and oppressive legacy. Art History is very different according to the race & origin of whoever telling the story.
It's starts way at the top, and exist even to the lower levels. It exist in some major institutions & galleries.It is possible to go through a whole semester's art class [a few months span of time] to have perhaps 3 people of color in your class, and not hear any mention of , or see any minority artist represented in the course. [an oversight] Some matters need to be exposed to sunlight
and air, before the serious healing process can ever begin. It's not all, but it's, some.
This is a response to a 2001 event @ the Met- NYC - this happened 2001, not 1881-
a protest because - Of 169 artists, only 13 were women and there were no minorities represented. .
" Appreciation of art is entirely subjective — we don't want to make value judgements. We just want to bring the issues to light,"
I've experience being singled out at shows, and have had ignorant questions posed to me by Caucasians, inquiring why I tend to paint mostly people of color? I paint still life, and abstract, but some will take issue with my portraits. I could be at a show, [and have been participating] in a room with 40 Caucasians vendors -- who never get asked that same question at all! - I've experience going to pick up my slides from a local gallery on the eastern shore [ while being featured & included] for upcoming shows, and having a Receptionist, start giving me orders when I enter the door, thinking I'm there to be the temporary "switchboard relief". [and not a participating Artist]
Too often people view art of color as "primitive,"in a negative way, not in the positive. Not as relatable or marketable as their noncolor arts counterparts. Every once in a while when art is reinterpreted by the likes of picasso, or sculpture like brancusi ,giacometti's, or when man ray did his kiki with african mask, [using a baule mask with a model] it is then deemed as then acceptable. [many artist in history drew on African art for inspiration] --- If I draw or make photographs an event or imagenear & dear to my own culture, if I dare interpret the beauty in the images that i see & feel ? I have to justify or explain it. It's nonsense! ~~
see confronting racism in art institutions
for downloadable pdf go here
racism in art institutions - Racism as an Issue in Classroom Practice
Things are getting better in 2006, but it's still quite a strange field. [ if Iam not wearing a suit, or if wearing my hair kinky?---I still get followed around the art supply stores, some parts of the south as if i am shoplifter or something --- I then often opt to to take my business dollars elsewhere!-- that's the truth!!] I have friends & darker hued relatives who still get followed around from exhibit to exhibit [by guards] when taking in , public shows at Art museums in America. They feel uncomfortable and get the stares. People need to stop the madness of this, practice by some museums & galleries.
One Method of combating racism. Build your own.
The best way is to get the training needed , apply for the permits & licenses [vending] participate in small business seminars, join the various art guilds -- OWN your own businesses [ become entrepreneurs] to promote, form alliances and network with other artist of color, in your area. Reach out to and guide, cultivate the young artist in your community. ~~~~ Peace.
a great book on ecology , toxins & the third world
A Great online Article, Ridding Your Life of Negative People. I try to be open-minded, but too many people dwell on the negative, and live in the negative. They don't wish to live in the positive...
Negativity is a cancer that appears in many forms. Ridicule, guilt, prejudice, condescension, intimidation, and self-doubt are only a few of the ways negativity manifests itself. While some kinds of negativity come from within and cannot be easily controlled, most are caused byother people. I believe that everyone is entitled to rid themselves of these negative people in order to enjoy happier lives. link here:
poem by me
sweet mornings - he paints
with sumi-e brush * [metaphorically]
Dawn's darkness approaching
crystal clear, rapid sunlight
double geese* eagerly engaged
in a smooth synchronized flight
grasping bamboo anticipating,
split tip's sensory delight
We continue at daybreak, the sweet vibes from last night,
..... reaching destiny,
as brilliant corona
effervesces around the newly risen sun.....
[by nyao]
poem influenced by passion, nature &
the lovely- shunga / ukiyo-e/ utamaro
stylized erotic prints.
2 geese in flight = a cool sex position *
[poem # 2 - "the snapper"]
I love that sucking sound
our bodies make
when we're really into session
going at it so crazy, losing track of space & time
moist flesh, pressed against moist flesh
me working you like crazed greedy plunger
vacuum seal kind of fit, snaps frequently
as you moan
hearing your pleasure,
licks my senses like fire
takes my desire even higher
I know you can't take much more...
Because the fits so tight
my precision love's justright...
for you.
In happiness our bed's squeakinglike Brazilian reco-reco ...
to a samba beat, it's dancing off the floor
i know the beautiful view turns you on
for me...
just watching magnificent You, turns me on as
I ride, your wet slippery slide
pumping you furiously like jockey
nearing finish line.....
c o mposure.......
on my second wave
of internal uncontrollable fireworks
quickly approaching the third wave
because I just vibe & flow like that
not contented today with one, I'm taking 3....
and now I'm feeling so lightheaded
as you descend into
into another realm of tripped out consciousness
worked, satisfied, You know I've loved you thoroughly
I dismount to the sound a final loud snap, and collapse
beside you, for a few minutes....until
I can process this crazy energy, that stirs inside of me... into another place.
{{ poem by me! }}
[reco reco* - pronounced as heco heco, a brazilan instrument used to accent beat in samba music]
enough of that good [ smile ] stuff! ..on to the next category......
the zik [music]
sun ra'ssaturn
minnie ripperton's perfect angel [song for my Boo!]
my favorite oldies easy lover's rock [style]
a good mix, but loving agent k -'ride away getaway", de lata & jazzanova
a beautiful song from cote ivoire- monique seka's yeye demain
a litte soca for My Honey
the humorous man "shadow" [can't find the cut goumangala] ---
more soca[classic]
tanya st. val -- another favorite - sample [ mil lanmou, lanmou kreyol, viens, solititude, so good...]
keziah jones [we saw him perform last year, guitar blew me away!]
photography/ text
Photographer -Akintola Hanif's work @
Photographer Delphine Fawundu-Buford
Will be in exhibit @ Harriets Alter ego
Show dealing with New Orleans & Post Katrina
Opening Reception & Artist Talk
Sunday, June 4, 2006, 4-7pm
Exhibition Dates: June 4 - 30, 2006
Harriet's Alter Ego Boutique & Gallery
293 Flatbush Ave. bet. St. Marks & Prospect Place
Brooklyn, New York
Book - Black Africans in Renaissance Europe
i really love chuck close's work
nivia gonzalez
alice neel
wilfredo lam
Onipa Abusia is presenting another waistbead party...on June 11th
in Brooklyn NY.[ Organization of preserving Ghana & Akan culture in the USA, chapters NY, Wash. DC]
For ladies and young girls only, for more information go here:
Ah! It's the sweet countdown to the worldcup!
Time again for a tiny little thing [like me]
to take some phat money from the big boys [ my husband& brother in law, my 9 brothers, in team wagers]
Bring it on! {smile]
until next time, walkgood ~ peace, nyao
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